Terms and Conditions

Site registration terms of service

Respect of customer, welcome you to register as a user. This web site Before register please read the following terms of service:

This service agreement the parties to the website with this web site users, this service agreement with contract effectiveness.

After you confirm this service agreement, this service agreement is between you and this site have legal effect.

Please be sure to read the full service agreement before registration, if you have any doubt, can consult this website.

Whether or not you actually read before registration for this service agreement, as long as you click on the agreement of the original at the bottom of the "register" button and according to the registration process successfully registered for the user of this site, your behavior still said you agreed to and signed the service agreement.

1 · recognition and accept terms of service of this web site

This website services of ownership and operation right to this web site.

2. The user must:

(1) equipped with Internet access required equipment, including personal computer, modem or other essential get to the Internet device.

(2) the burden on their own personal online pay telephone fee, Internet fee associated with this service.

3. Users shall not release the following illegal information on the trading platform of the Website:

(1) Opposing the basic principles set forth in the Constitution;

(2) endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power or undermining national unity;

(3), harming the honor and interests of the State;

(4) inciting ethnic hatred or discrimination or undermining national unity;

(5) those who undermine the state's religious policies and propagate cults and feudal superstitions;

(6) Spreading rumors, disturbing social order or undermining social stability;

(7) spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crimes;

(8) insulting or slandering others or infringing on others' legitimate rights and interests;

(9), containing other contents prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

4. Personal data,The user agrees to:

(1) to provide timely, detailed and accurate personal data.

(2), agree to receive information from this website.

(3) the update registration information constantly, in line with the requirements of timely, detailed and accurate. All the original information will be referred to as registration data type.

(4) don't open this web site the user's name, address, email and his pen name, of the following except:

      (a) authorized user of this web site dew seemed to lure some information

      (b) the corresponding laws and procedure request on this web site to provide users' personal information. If the user provides data contains incorrect information, this website reserves entitlement of end users to use this website information service.

5. the user at the time of registration shall be selected to stability and security is relatively good E-mail, and agree to accept and reading this web site to users of all kinds of E-mail. Such as a user in a timely manner from their E-mail to accept email or because the user email address or user email receiving and reading Read the program itself make email cannot receive or read, as long as the website successfully sent an email, shall be deemed to be the user has received relevant email. Email on the mail server from the recorded time as delivery time.

6. The terms of service

This website reserves the right to amend the terms of service when necessary, this web site, the terms of service will be prompted to change the contents on the main page. If you do not agree with the changes of the content, the user can take the initiative to cancel this website for information service. If the user continues to enjoy this website information service, are considered to accept the terms of service. This website reserves to modify or interrupt service at any time without informing the user rights. This website is to exercise the right to modify or interrupt service, does not need to responsible for the user or the third party.

7, the system of users' privacy

To respect user privacy is a basic policy of this website. So, this website will not be without legitimate users authorized to open, edit, or disclose its registration data and stored in the non-public content in this website, unless there are legal licensing requirements or this website in good faith on the basis of thought revealed that these information is necessary in the following four conditions:

(1) Abide by the relevant laws and regulations and comply with the legitimate service procedures of the Website.

(2) Maintain and maintain trademark ownership of the Website.

(3) Strive to maintain the privacy and safety of users and the public in an emergency.

(4) Comply with other relevant requirements.

This website reserves the right to release members advisory population analysis.

8, the user account, password, and security

Once you have registered successfully become a user, you will receive a password and account. If you don't keep your account and password security, will be negativeAll the responsibilities. In addition, each user to take full responsibility for all the activities and events in their accounts. You can change your password at any time according to the instructions, can also be the end of the old account to restart a new account. If the user agrees to find any illegal use of the user account or security vulnerabilities, please notice this website immediately.

9, refused to provide guarantee

The user explicitly agreed to the use of the information service by the user personal risk. This website does not guarantee service will not be interrupted, timeliness of service, security, an error occurred is not guaranteed, but will be within the scope of the ability, avoid to make mistakes.

10. Limited Liability

The website shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising from improper use of the services of the website or non-compliance of information transmitted by users. These actions may cause damage to the image of the website, so the website raised the possibility of such damage in advance, and will try to avoid such damage.

11, information storage and limit

This website is determining the user's behavior whether to conform to the requirements of this web site terms of service and the spirit of the rights, if the user violated the terms of service, this website this website reserves the right to interrupt the service account.

12. The user management

The user must follow:

(1) the use of information service is not for illegal purposes.

(2) without interference or chaos network services.

(3) comply with all the use of the service of the network protocol, rules, procedures and practices. The user's code of conduct is based on the Internet regulations, based on policies, procedures and practices.

13. Ensure

User agrees to safeguard and maintain the interests of all the members of this web site, is responsible for pay attorney fees caused by the use of beyond the scope of service by the user, in violation of the terms of service of the damage compensation fees and other people use the user's computer, accounts and other intellectual property rights of recourse fee.

14, end service

A user or interruption of this website may at any time according to the actual situation of one or more services.

This website does not need to responsible for any individual or third party and interrupt service at any time. If the user against the proposal of any terms of service or to object to the subsequent modification, service, or to this website users can exercise their rights as follows:

(1) no longer use this web site information services.

(2) on this web site to stop the service to the users.

End user service, user's right to use of this web site services stop immediately. From then on, the user has no right, this website is under no obligation to transfer any unprocessed information or outstanding service to the user or the third party.

15, notice

All notifications to users can be delivered via bulletins on important pages or via email or regular letters. Amendments to the Terms of Service, changes to the service, or other important events are notified in this manner.

16, the ownership of the information content

Define the information content of this web site includes: text, software, sound, photos, video, graphics; All content in the advertisement; This website provides users with other information. All these content copyright, trademark, labels, and the protection of the law of the other property rights. So that users can only be authorized by this website and advertisers can use these contents, not copy without authorization, reengineering the content, or create derivative products related to the content.

17, the law

Terms of service to this web site information in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China. Users and agree to obey this website under the jurisdiction of court that has jurisdiction over the location of this web site. As happened on this web site terms of service and the laws of the People's Republic of China are in conflict, these terms will completely reinterpreted as stipulated in the law, while other terms will remain binding to the user.